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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Thanks for the Computer Upgrade!

Last semester, Janitor Joe and Paddy convinced the administration to give us an upgrade on the computer we have in our office.

Since our last upgrade in 1994, we've been working on a TI-99, which was a sweet computer in its day but it's getting a little outdated. It's one of the only models around that still makes you play games from a tape recorder. I liked it, but Paddy wanted something new that would allow us to look at porn.

So, the principal finally caved and gave us our new equipment. We got a sweet Commodore 64, complete with a 5 1/4" disc drive! They even gave us some cool games, like Jordan vs. Bird and California Games.

I got a C-64 book at the flea market and after only three hours of entering a program, I got a syntax error. However, I found out what I did wrong, started from scratch, and when I was finished the screen flashed a bunch of colors really fast. It was totally worth the effort.

No word yet on the porn. We may have to wait until our next upgrade when we get that Colecovision the principal mentioned.


At 9:16 PM, Blogger John said...

goddammit I love this blog. now go change that 3-1/4 to say 5-1/4 christ.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Dan Dove said...

jesus! i'm janitor, what the hell do i know!? thanks for the heads up...

At 8:01 PM, Blogger RunnaTom said...

Hey guys, I came to your blog while looking for C64 tunes, since I wanted to hear this tune from the Giana sisters game I played like crazy more then 15 years ago. I'm a big sucker for Amiga 500 and C64 emulators on PC, allthough I still have an Amiga 500 somewhere in the attic (probably a C64 as well, but I had like 5 of those before). I have to say I had quite the porn on my C64, but since you guys can write this blog I'm sure you can find the porn you want on the net as well. cheers, and keep up the good work!

At 8:08 PM, Blogger RunnaTom said...

guess what? found a site dedicated to porn on the C64.
girls of c64

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Dan Dove said...

Thanks, Tom! Paddy will be thrilled...


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