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Friday, March 18, 2005

Drama Department Rejects My Rocky Dennis Play for 4th Straight Year

Seems to me that playing a kid with a big deformed head would be the role of a lifetime for some of the drama douches, but once again, the school disagrees with me.

I've gone through seventeen rewrites since the school first refused to perform a production of my stage adaptation of the hit movie Mask, starring Eric Stoltz as the kid with the fucked up grill. I headed into the Little Theatre once more for a meeting with the drama teacher and the Drama Club President.

It only took them about five minutes to explain that Mask wasn't a comedy as I was portraying it. Apparently they haven't seen the movie, because that fucking kid's mug is hysterical. And, strangely erotic.

So because I believe so deeply in my work, I'm going back to the drawing board once again and I'll rewrite it to more accurately display Rocky Dennis - as a serial rapist.


At 1:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA,rocky dennis.
i almost cried at this movie.
and i don't mean tears of sympathy...


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