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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Janitor Dan to Co-worker: "Please Take a Bath."

I realize that this forum was set up as an outlet for the CBBHS Custodial Staff to vent frustrations about the faculty and students. And don't get me wrong, I think of all the other Janitors like family members. That said, please forgive me while I call out Janitor Derek on something that has been bothering me for quite some time.

Dude, you smell like pubes.

Seriously, I caught a whiff of you a couple weeks ago in the break room and I thought it was that Pakistani teacher again. Unfortunately, it was you.

I tried to give you a not-so-subtle hint by placing that Right Guard in your locker. It's quite apparent you didn't get it.

When I brushed past you at the time clock the next day I tried to hold my breath, but the stench was overwhelming. My eyes were watering as the rancid aroma of burnt pubes and earwax inundated my senses. At first I thought you and that hairy Spanish teacher had hooked up again, but then I remembered he doesn't work here anymore.

Anyway, for the sake of your coworkers, the students, and any human, animal, or plant life you come across, please wash your ass.

You might look into using gasoline. If that doesn't work, consider suicide as an option.


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