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Thursday, January 13, 2005

In Memoriam: Dr. John Lee Custodian

Initially, he was labeled a maverick. Ultimately, he was a pioneer.

Today, Central Boynton Beach High School mourns the loss of the man who invented the profession of Janitor, Dr. John Lee Custodian. The man who gave us such groundbreaking inventions as the Mop Squeegee and the Retractable Belt Key Ring, died peacefully in his sleep Wednesday night.

Custodian came to CBBHS in the early 30s. A wide-eyed graduate from MIT, he was hired to teach Freshman Quantum Physics and Chaos Theory. On only his third day, Custodian slipped on a wet floor in the bathroom and was rendered unconscious. When he awoke, he had a vision: the Mop Ringer.

Convinced of his genius, the administration relieved him of his teaching duties and allowed him to work on his special projects. He eventually hired a staff, and instilled in his Custodial Fraternity his passions for cleanliness and innovation.

Despite his brilliance, Custodian also flashed the madness that is inherent in noted geniuses. In 1958, he killed three students who initiated a food fight.

Custodian is survived by his wife and three children.


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